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Government Completes Rehabilitation of 33 KV Rural Electrification Project in Anambra West, Energized Ezi-Anam Axis amid Commendation

By Felix Igboanugo :

The completion of the long-awaited Anambra West rural electrification project has garnered immense commendation from the community, as residents lauds the government for its efforts in bringing electricity to their previously underserved rural area. 

This significant accomplishment has brought about a wave of joy and optimism as the residents can now enjoy the benefits of reliable and sustainable electricity.

For decades, Anam and most communities in Anambra West had been one of the many rural areas in Nigeria grappling with the darkness and its associated challenges. Residents relied on expensive and unreliable generators, which not only strained their finances but also limited their access to vital services and opportunities for economic advancement.

Speaking to the press, the President General, Ezi- Anam community, Mr. Charles Igboanugo said that the project which was abandoned for over 10 years until Gov. Charles Soludo took over, was completed and energized on 25th September 2023 to the glory of God.

“This Project was abandoned by successive Government not until Gov. Soludo’s administration came to our rescue, as am speaking with you now, the project has been completed and energized.

“Our people are so happy to witness what was seen as mirage before now, our talk and do Governor has come to our rescue and may Almighty God continue to protect  and give him more wisdom to pilot the affairs of our dear state,” he added.

He thanked Gov. Soludo for fulfilling his campaign promises, noting that the successful implementation of the project marked a turning point in the lives of Ndi Anambra West, as it opened up a multitude of opportunities and improvements across various sectors.

“The gains of this laudable project to my community is numerous to mention. it’s like given a life to someone who was sick. For example, Small scale businesses that needs light to survive will now thrive with maximum profits as the losses incurred by burning of fuel on generators would be drastically reduced.”

Mr. Igboanugo described Gov. Soludo as a silent archiver, who was bend on developing all sectors of the state simultaneously, noting that his administration have awarded over 300 km of roads and mobilized contractors to site in different towns and villages in the 21 local council of the state under 18 months.

On his part, Mr. Joseph Okechukwu who was overwhelmed with joy expressed gratitude to Gov. Soludo’s administration for bringing light into their lives.

He said that the project has not only illuminated their homes but also their hopes and aspirations, showing that the government cares about the well-being of rural communities like ours.

Mr. Nnaemeka Onyekwe described the project as a testament to what can be achieved when the government listens to the needs of its people, applauding Government dedication toward improving their lives.

Mr. Albert Okeke from Oroma Etiti Anam said that the project was a good omen and sign that Prof. Soludo led administration meant business of developing Anambra West as was promised during the electioneering campaign.

He enjoyed Ndi Anambra West to keep supporting Gov. Soludo in his quest toward making Anambra a prosperous and liveable homeland.(Ministry of Information)

The information officer reports from Anambra West LGA


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