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Author: Okechukwu Onwuka

Anambra Airport Poised to Become the Hub of  Cargo Exports 

By Florence Okpeti :

The Anambra State Government  has expressed readiness to position the Anambra Airport as the hub of Cargo exports.

The Governor of the State, Prof Charles Soludo said  this during a courtesy visit by the AviaCargo RoadMap  Committee at the Chinụa Achebe International Cargo and Passenger Airport, Umueri.

The Governor who was represented by the State Commissioner for Transport, Mrs Patricia Igwebuike said that the government has embarked on distribution of oil palm seedlings and high breed coconut seedlings annually to households across the state.

He further explained that the cash crops would be processed for export, adding that it would boost the State’s revenue and create more jobs in the state.

The Governor commended the efforts of the Committee toward transforming the general export cargo business in Nigeria, noting that export is in line with the vision of his administration.

The committee, made up of  aviation cargo professionals from various government and private agencies was constituted by the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) to improve Avio-Cargo Export from Nigeria.

The coordinator of the committee, Mr. Ikechi Uko said that the purpose of the visit was to encourage Nigerians to export their products.

Mr. Uko explained that Nigeria’s exports did not match its capacity as the most populous country and largest economy in Africa.

“Part of what we are trying to solve is to get Nigerians to begin to export what we produce because there are a lot of things we produce that people need.” 

The Managing Director of the Anambra Airport, Mr. Martins Nwafor said that agro-allied products that could be exported from Anambra to other international and domestic markets were taken into consideration during the development of the Airport’s master plan.

Mr. Nwafor said that airports served a key role in the transportation of people and goods in the national, regional and international commerce, adding that a business plan was developed for the Anambra Airport.

In their separate remarks, the President General,  Anambra State Amalgamated Traders Association (ASMATA), Mr. Humphrey Anuna, Chairman Ochanja Central Market, Mr. Bonaventure Muo and the President, Building Int. Market Ogidi, Mr.Jude Nwankwo expressed their gratitude, even as they pledged their support for the government’s agenda.

The President, Anambra State Shippers Association, Mr. Emma Akpaka and representatives of Zenith Shipping Council, Mr Elochukwu Ebubechukwu, Mr. Muoghalu Christian and Mr. Alocha Jerry expressed their willingness to key into the State Government’s programme. (Ministry of Information)

The information officer reports from Umueri

Government Completes Rehabilitation of 33 KV Rural Electrification Project in Anambra West, Energized Ezi-Anam Axis amid Commendation

By Felix Igboanugo :

The completion of the long-awaited Anambra West rural electrification project has garnered immense commendation from the community, as residents lauds the government for its efforts in bringing electricity to their previously underserved rural area. 

This significant accomplishment has brought about a wave of joy and optimism as the residents can now enjoy the benefits of reliable and sustainable electricity.

For decades, Anam and most communities in Anambra West had been one of the many rural areas in Nigeria grappling with the darkness and its associated challenges. Residents relied on expensive and unreliable generators, which not only strained their finances but also limited their access to vital services and opportunities for economic advancement.

Speaking to the press, the President General, Ezi- Anam community, Mr. Charles Igboanugo said that the project which was abandoned for over 10 years until Gov. Charles Soludo took over, was completed and energized on 25th September 2023 to the glory of God.

“This Project was abandoned by successive Government not until Gov. Soludo’s administration came to our rescue, as am speaking with you now, the project has been completed and energized.

“Our people are so happy to witness what was seen as mirage before now, our talk and do Governor has come to our rescue and may Almighty God continue to protect  and give him more wisdom to pilot the affairs of our dear state,” he added.

He thanked Gov. Soludo for fulfilling his campaign promises, noting that the successful implementation of the project marked a turning point in the lives of Ndi Anambra West, as it opened up a multitude of opportunities and improvements across various sectors.

“The gains of this laudable project to my community is numerous to mention. it’s like given a life to someone who was sick. For example, Small scale businesses that needs light to survive will now thrive with maximum profits as the losses incurred by burning of fuel on generators would be drastically reduced.”

Mr. Igboanugo described Gov. Soludo as a silent archiver, who was bend on developing all sectors of the state simultaneously, noting that his administration have awarded over 300 km of roads and mobilized contractors to site in different towns and villages in the 21 local council of the state under 18 months.

On his part, Mr. Joseph Okechukwu who was overwhelmed with joy expressed gratitude to Gov. Soludo’s administration for bringing light into their lives.

He said that the project has not only illuminated their homes but also their hopes and aspirations, showing that the government cares about the well-being of rural communities like ours.

Mr. Nnaemeka Onyekwe described the project as a testament to what can be achieved when the government listens to the needs of its people, applauding Government dedication toward improving their lives.

Mr. Albert Okeke from Oroma Etiti Anam said that the project was a good omen and sign that Prof. Soludo led administration meant business of developing Anambra West as was promised during the electioneering campaign.

He enjoyed Ndi Anambra West to keep supporting Gov. Soludo in his quest toward making Anambra a prosperous and liveable homeland.(Ministry of Information)

The information officer reports from Anambra West LGA

Anambra Assembly Calls for Construction of Pedestrian Bridge at Total Filing Station Junction Ihiala

By Anastasia Agunwa/Chizoba Okeke/Gloria Abugu :

Anambra State House of Assembly has called on Governor Charles Soludo to direct the Commissioner for Works to facilitate the construction of pedestrian bridge at Total Filing station junction, Ihiala town.

The resolution was sequel to a motion sponsored by the member representing Ihiala 1 constiuency, Mr. Jude Ngobili and seconded by Mr. Golden Iloh representing Ihiala 11 constituency during plenary on October 17.

The Speaker of the House, Mr. Somtochukwu Udeze who presided over the plenary had moved for the resolution of the House while the lawmakers unanimously adopted it through voice votes.

Dwelling on the motion, Mr. Jude Ngobili expressed worry about the alarming rate at which accident occur at the junction, which frequently results in fatalities and various degrees of accident casualties.

He was optimistic that a pedestrian bridge across the area would significantly lower the number of accident.

“Further convinced that if constructed, the pedestrian bridge will increase accessibility for everyone, including the disabled and provide safer crossing.

“Whereas the junction, one of the busiest bus stops on the Onitsha-Owerri road is located at the Total filing station junction, Ihiala town.

“Concerned that a large number of pedestrians, including children and the elderly, cross the road everyday.

“Cognizant that the rate of vehicle acceleration at the spot is quite high”, Ngobili stressed.

Speaking in favour of the motion, Mr. Noble Igwe representing Ogbaru 1 constiuency, Mr. Ikenna Ofodeme representing Ekwusigo constituency, Mr. Jude Umennajiego representing Onitsha South 11 constituency, Mr. John-Mark Ikwunne representing Awka North and Mr. Tony Muobike representing Aguata 11 constituency described the motion as apt.

The lawmakers added that the construction of the pedestrian bridge at the junction would save the lives of Ndi Anambra, explaining that the junction leads to different communities and states in the South East and some South South states. (MOI)

The Officers report from the State House of Assembly, Awka.

Anambra State Ranks among Top 5 Fiscal Performers in Nigeria

By Christian ABURIME  :

In an impressive achievement reflecting astute management of resources and financial responsibility, Anambra State has clinched a coveted position among the top five states in Nigeria for its exceptional fiscal performance. 

The latest BudgIT report on the overall evaluation of states’ fiscal policies places Anambra at an impressive 5th position, an affirmation of the remarkable strides made under the visionary leadership of Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR.

Generally, states ascending the ranks on Index A exhibit a commendable level of self-reliance, displaying limited reliance on federally disbursed revenue for their day-to-day operations. 

This enviable position signifies that these states possess greater financial viability, even in the hypothetical scenario of an independent existence.

Governor Soludo’s indomitable commitment to transforming the economic landscape of Anambra has ushered in an era of unprecedented growth and stability. 

His dynamic approach to financial management has been instrumental in propelling the state to this remarkable achievement.

This milestone stands as a resounding endorsement of the Soludo-nomics model, a blueprint that has successfully steered Anambra State towards a trajectory of sustained progress so far. 

It serves as an affirmation that under Governor Soludo’s stewardship, Anambra continues to flourish, creating a legacy of prosperity for generations to come.

The government of Anambra State, under Governor Soludo is resolute in its commitment to build on this accomplishment, ushering in an era of even greater economic prosperity, improved public services, and enhanced quality of life for every Ndi Anambra. 

Indeed, Solution is here! And Anambra will continue to win!

Anambra among 5 Best Fiscal Performers – BudgIT

By Paul Nwosu :

Anambra State has just been ranked among the five best performing states in the country by BudgIT.

In the latest State of the States Report released by BudgIT, Anambra State was ranked among the five best performing states in the country in terms of fiscal performance. 

The other top ranking states are Lagos, Rivers, Kaduna and Ogun.

The sterling performance is undoubtedly a reflection of the prudent financial management of Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo (CFR) who from the onset of his administration has continued to harp on fiscal resourcefulness because the tap of federal allocation from Abuja is gradually becoming dry.

According to the 2023 BudgIT report, the five states in the A category where Anambra belongs have been able to significantly grow their internally generated revenue year-on-year and are progressively reducing their over-reliance on federal transfers.

The high-ranking states like Anambra have comparatively limited dependence on federally distributed revenue for their operations and thus have greater viability if they were to theoretically exist as an independent entity.

Director of BudgIT, Seun Onigbinde, while appearing on television, expressly stated that it takes strong leadership to drive the fiscal performance of the states in line with BudgIT appraisal.

Solution is here.

*Sir Paul Nwosu*

Commissioner for Information

Anambra State

Anambra Govt Distributes 120 Anti-shock Garments to Mission, General Hospitals

 By Chukwudi Nwauba :

The wife of the Anambra State Governor, Dr. Nonye Soludo has distributed 120 Anti-shock garments to Mission and General hospitals across the state to prevent maternal mortality.

Distributing the Anti-shock garments at the governor’s lodge, Amawbia, Dr. (Mrs.) Soludo said, “These garments will help to stop bleeding and ensure safe delivery in the state”.

She explained that the garment could keep a bleeding woman alive for 48 hours, and appealed to healthcare professionals to ensure that they use it judiciously so as to save lives.

“Records from the maternal mortality review meeting held in the state showed that 80 per cent of maternal deaths were as a result of bleeding also known as Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH).

“PPH is heavy bleeding of a woman during or shortly after delivery and it is causing death among women. This is why we are distributing the anti-shock garments which is a low technology first aid device.

“Once bleeding has been identified, many women die before receiving adequate treatment. Therefore, the garment can be used to keep such women alive for 48 hours, if not she can bleed to death within 30 minutes.

“These are preventable deaths and again I urge our health personnel to put the anti-shock garments to use in order to reduce maternal mortality and as well ensure safe delivery in Anambra,’’ she said.

The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Afam Obidike, said that the state government was sustaining efforts to ensure that Anambra remained the lowest in terms of maternal mortality in the country.

Dr. Obidike said that the next phase of the anti-shock garments distribution would be to all the Primary Healthcare Centres in the state.

According to him, the garment is used to stabilize women who are suffering from obstetric bleeding and shock. It helps such women survive delays in getting to a hospital and getting the treatment that they need.

“This brand of garments can be reused for at least 144 times. Our goal is that no woman in Anambra should die as a result of preventable causes,’’ he said.

The State Reproductive Health Coordinator, Dr. Obianuju Okoye said that there would be training to upgrade the clinical capacities of health workers on the use of the anti-shock garments.

“State Government has provided to us everything needed for the training, we are waiting for all the hospitals that received the anti-shock garments to send details of the healthcare personnel to be trained.

Commending the government and the wife of the Governor on behalf of the benefiting hospitals, Dr. Francis Ifeaneme, Secretary, Nigerian Medical Association, Anambra chapter, assured that the garments would be used to save lives. (Ministry of Information)

 The information officer reports from the State Ministry of Health, Awka.

Anambra Police Smashes Armed Robbery Gang, Recovers Two AK-47 Rifles

Men of Rapid Response Squad, Awkuzu of Anambra State Police Command on Monday 16th October, 2023 foiled a planned robbery operation along Ebenebe-Achalla Road in Awka North LGA of the State.

The Operatives while on Anti Kidnapping Patrol were tipped off by a public spirited citizen who saw two gun men being conveyed on a motorcycle along the road.

The Operatives went in pursuit of the gang and encountered them where they had  positioned to rob mororists. On sighting the approaching Operatives they  tried to engage them in a shootout but  the battle-ready  Operatives quickly overwhelmed them forcing them to abandon their weapons and fled into the bushy environ.

Operatives combed the Bush and recovered two AK-47 Rifles loaded with several rounds of 7.62mm ammunition and shells of expended rounds.

The Commissioner of Police CP Aderemi Adeoye who commended the team for its gallantry has asked them to step up proactive operations in that part of the State until all criminal elements tormenting citizens in that part of the State are completely flushed out.

*DSP Tochukwu Ikenga*

Police Public Relations Officer,

Anambra State Police Command,


17th October, 2023.

Smartphone: Its Implications on Students’ Performance

By Chizoba Njaka :

With increase in the use of smartphones, most students are becoming too lazy and inactive to their studies. They usually or continually glue to phones, scrolling through social media and playing away their hours which could have been used for something useful. Indeed this device is designed to make life easy and save energy at any point in time but reverse is the case.

The most worrisome thing today is that what was introduced to serve as easy means of communication through phone calls, messaging, emailing or more or less seen as mini-computers, cameras, and organizers have now become threat and harmful to the lives and health of both young and adults in the society as well as the wellbeing and mindset of Nigerian youths.

Students and pupils are not exceptional in this habit because all they think most often is how to get or have access to Android phone for one reason or the other which affect them socially, economically, psychologically, mentally and academically due to its continous technological advancements and daily welcoming initiatives.

Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world because it indeed makes lives easy and convenient. When it comes to interaction among peers, teens like to admire and approve, comment, and criticize. They are not always communicating one on one but instead are constantly checking for responses and likes to their posts and others.

Funnily, whether physically present, or absent in a particular setting, the software companies continue to find ways to draw people into their perfect target audience.

Honestly, children are most vulnerable to smartphones and other technological gadgets. Right from childhood, they are introduced to smartphones through which they listen to music, watch cartoons of different kinds, play games, chat with friends, and watch films.

Meanwhile, teenagers tend to be naturally more sociable, they are at an age of questioning life and the things that happen around them. Interacting with new people is a part of this process. The evolution of technology created new possibility for socializing and allows for this generation to do exactly this, but online.

Young ones communicate through an array of social websites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, among others that allow for these connections to be built even if individuals are thousands of miles away. When these apps are used and they met with positive interactions, positive messages from friends, and believe quality relationships are blossoming, dopamine is released.

They also get distracted by the device while studying due to the constant pings of notifications that demand instant attention. They get introduced to the virtual world via smartphones and get immersed in it. In fact, people’s lives revolve around it more than anything because of its usefulness in communication via voice, messages, and mails as well as surf the internet using phone.

Meanwhile, there are lots of inappropriate content on the internet. Students, who are too young to differentiate between fact and fiction, find these mesmerizing and risk getting misled. The pull of the virtual world is so strong, it increases social disturbance and moral downfall.

Consequently, young ones, especially students have found to spend much hours a day on their mobile phones, compared to adults who usually have a busy day. Students activities on mobile phone is so much more than talking and texting. For them, it opens a gateway to an escape from reality, which includes games, films, apps, and the biggest time consumer of them all is the social media.

While this gadget transforms the societies and economies for the better, little do one know that it could be harmful to people and the society at large. The excessive use of it brings distraction and takes young ones away from concentrating on whatever they are doing.

Call or chatting can come in at any time. Society generally expects you to have your phone switched on, charged up, and within reach at anytime. Many callers or text senders can become frustrated or annoyed if they do not get an immediate response.

However, Nigeria youths do not even believe that one must struggle to survive either by education, learning trade, self acquired skills, but rather depend or leverage on others hard earned effort to succeed. They believe they can get away from everything using mobile phone.

Making series of contacts through smartphone is now trending among the youths, misleading advice or instructions given to them either from unknown fellows making them to take some dramatic actions and decisions which can endanger their future.

In other words, through the use of excessive mobile phone, they involve themselves in fraudulent activities like yahoo yahoo businesses, secret cult without knowing, cheating, blackmailing, frauds or hacking banks and individuals account, pornography among others.

Interestingly, days are gone when one will say parents provide smartphone to their wards. This days, most of these youths particularly the female folks acquire theirs through their boyfriends or prostitution, robbery as well as birthday gift thereby giving them the opportunity to access the device at wider range.

Interestingly, not only do parents provide their wards with smartphone but teachers whose duties are to teach and impart knowledge on these children are not helping. They are indirectly encouraging, and promoting the students using smartphone by asking them to browse on a particular topic and make notes on their own.

Most often, the teacher will threaten the students that such assignment will be scored and recorded if well done. Imagine a child of 10 -11 years in junior class doing homework with mobile phone or browsing to build his or her notes. Such is an avenue for the child to delve into something else because no one is there to guide or know what he or she is doing. For those who do not have smartphone will go extra miles to have theirs in order to please their teacher whose work is to make notes for the students to copy.

Apart from the aforementioned effects of excessive mobile phone usage, research showed that constant staring at mobile phones affects eyesight and eye health. Eyes tend to get dry, and the vision blurry. The eyesight gets affected, too, and kids have difficulty in reading.

Using phones day and night ruins eye health and the repercussions last a lifetime. This is one of the worst negative effects of mobile phones.

The virtual world they view on their mobile phones is highly distracting. Students find it fascinating and spend hours lost in it. It is not only misleading but confusing, too. It also distracts them from their studies and sports as kids wish to spend more time with their phones than their books. They tend to lose focus and their academic performance suffers badly.

Not just that there is good evidence that mobile phones contribute to sleep deprivation, especially when people use them late at night or in bed. Teenagers, in particular, need good sleep to help their developing brains, but often suffer worst from mobile phone related sleep problems.They will be having difficulty sleeping despite feeling tired after exhausting much time on mobile phone.

Gov. Soludo’s Palliatives, More Impactful

By Paul Nwosu :

Ever since President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) announced the disbursement of N5 billion palliatives to the States, there has been something akin to a stampede by the States to dole out to the people the prescribed items to be procured. While this had been going on, a few uniformed public affairs commentators have made a show of displaying an unusual interest in how Anambra State palliatives would be managed.

Despite their jaundiced commentaries and insinuations, Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo (CFR) has remained focused in fore-thinking how well to deliver a more diverse package that would be of better impact to the living conditions of the very low income earners. A well-thought-through programme for maximum impact will significantly mitigate their economic hardship over a sustainable period of time. After all, it is not how fast but how well.

Just like the Good Books in Matthew 4:4 that states: “Man shall not live by bread alone…”, Governor Soludo rightly believes that our people shall not live by palliatives rice and maize alone. Beyond these food items which would be consumed and passed out as wastes over time, there are other departments of living that could be rejigged to support the low income earners to wade through the current economic challenges.

Even so, it is crucial to quickly clarify that out of the N5 billion announced by Mr President to be given to States, it’s only N2 billion that has been released, partly as loan of which the States are expected to pay back 48 percent while the Federal Government will pay the remaining 52 percent.

As things stand, States have been mandated to mainly use this money to procure bags of rice, maize and similar food items to be distributed among the people. To this end, Governor Soludo plans to distribute rice to 300,000 households across 326 wards in Anambra State. This is to ensure that it gets to the “Umunnas” at the grassroots.

Well before the President’s initiative on palliative measures, Governor Soludo had undertaken without being prodded an increase of the salaries of public servants in the employment of Anambra State Government and the Local Governments by 10 percent from January 2023. The Governor did this as his own internal measure to respond to the rising inflation in the country.

With the President’s formal proclamation of the palliatives’ regime, Governor Soludo in his typical approach to such economic issues has dug deeper to come up with more fundamental solutions beyond rice and maize to better shield Anambra people from the turbulent whirlwind that is exerting unusual pressure on the system.

Following the advent of economic palliatives, Governor Soludo has since placed pensioners and public servants on non-taxable cash award of N12,000 monthly from September to December 2023.

The game-changer is of course the tax exemption to vulnerable groups which include hawkers, Okada drivers, wheelbarrow and cart pushers, vulcanizers, artisans and petty traders with less than N100,000 capital.

Another welfare measure taken by Professor Soludo is the declaration of complete free education in public Nursery, Primary and Junior Secondary schools. The fees for public Senior Secondary schools were slashed down to N5,000 per session.

As if that was not enough, Mr. Governor also made antenatal care and child delivery services free in all the government’s General Hospitals and Primary Healthcare Centres in Anambra State. To ensure that quality services are rendered to these women, special telephone lines have been set up for these women to call in case they are not satisfied with the standard of services or care they received.

Government has also awarded the contract for the supply and installation of modern laboratory equipment in all the 326 Primary Health Centres across the State. Modern Tele-medicine Hub and Spoke System have also been established in Anambra State.

Governor Soludo has in the last few months, under the 1Youth, 2Skills programme, trained 5000 youths in 20 different skills, and bank cheques will be doled out to them any moment from now to enable them set up their own businesses.

In addition to the 5,000 teachers already hired by this administration, Governor Soludo is looking forward to hire 3,000 more teachers to reinvigorate the quality of Anambra State public schools.

The renovation and repair of civil servants’ staff buses are ongoing. Governor Soludo plans to introduce Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)-fuelled buses to reduce Intra-State transportation costs.

Anambra State Palliative drive has a touch of Mr. Solution. The essence is to make it sustainable over a long period of time.

Commissioner for Information
Anambra State

Soludo: Transforming Justice Dispensation with Technological Innovation in Anambra State

By Christian ABURIME :

The journey to transform Anambra State, as envisioned by Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR, into a livable and prosperous smart megacity continues in full throttle.

As there cannot be a progressive society without an efficient, proper dispensation of justice, the Soludo administration has been intentional about implementing crucial judicial reforms.

Thus, in the quest to further ensure an ideal state of security, law and order as one of the key 5 policy pillars for transforming Anambra State, Governor Soludo is leveraging technological innovations in Justice dispensation in Anambra State through the Ministry of Justice with Prof. (Mrs) Sylva Chika Ifemeje as Attorney General and Justice Commissioner

Universally, technology-enabled justice reforms in modern governance refer to the integration of advanced technologies to improve and streamline various aspects of the legal system. These reforms aim to enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and fairness of justice delivery.

In modern era, technology has extensively revolutionised the legal field, making it more efficient, accessible, and transparent. So, embracing these technological advancements is crucial for a modern justice system that effectively serves the needs of society.

It is in view of the foregoing that Governor Soludo has made remarkable strides in fulfilling his manifesto promise to ensure the swift dispensation of justice for the people of Anambra in the Justice Sector. A significant achievement in this endeavour has been the implementation of Virtual Court Hearing Facilities for criminal cases.

Previously, only 10 out of the 20 courtrooms in Anambra State were equipped with such technology, but under Governor Soludo’s administration, every courtroom now boasts these cutting-edge facilities. To complement this technological upgrade, laptops have been provided to the esteemed Judges, streamlining the process and ensuring seamless proceedings.

Moreover, state-of-the-art internet enabling devices have been supplied to guarantee uninterrupted connectivity. This comprehensive integration of virtual hearing capabilities extends beyond the courtrooms to include all four correctional centres in Anambra State, which have also received alternative power supply sources for uninterrupted operation.

In addition to the core technology, a suite of auxiliary equipment has been installed, including high-quality televisions, robust public address systems, advanced web cameras, and top-tier video conferencing software.

These enhancements signify a significant leap forward in advancing the criminal justice system in Anambra State, markedly reducing delays in proceedings. No longer will cases be held up due to logistical challenges in transporting defendants from the correctional centres to the Courts, or from the Courts to the correctional centres. In the long term, Governor Soludo’s unwavering commitment to expediting justice is exemplified by these transformative measures.

The seamless integration of virtual court hearing facilities is poised to revolutionise the justice system, ensuring timely and efficient resolution of criminal cases for the benefit of all Ndi Anambra, while enabling the journey to a livable, prosperous homeland.

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